Intentional Care. Thoughtful Reflection. Bold Action.

Having accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, and on profession of our faith in Him, we do now, in the presence of God and this assembly, covenant with one another as members of His Church.
We agree by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love, faithfully seeking by all means to grow in grace and in our understanding of the truth of God.
We agree to work and pray for the coming Kingdom of God, seeking to have His will done in our lives, in our homes, and in the affairs of our community and world.
We agree to contribute as God prospers us, for the expense of the church at home and abroad.
We promise to be faithful in our engagements, to be watchful of our manner of life and speech, to guard carefully the good name of the church and its members, to remember each other in prayer, to aid each other in sickness and distress, and to do unto all people as we would have them do unto us.
We agree further, if we should remove from this place, to unite with some other church in which we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and God's Word.

Our Logo
When we were not able to meet together in person during the COVID pandemic, we adopted a spiritual discipline of folding origami paper cranes as we each prayed in the privacy of our own homes. The cranes were then hung in our sanctuary to symbolize how our individual prayers join together as they are lifted up.
The individual shapes making up the image remind us of the process of folding the origami cranes. They also symbolize how we bring together our unique experiences and beliefs to form something of great beauty—how our different members form the body of Christ.
The crane is a symbol of peace and a reminder of our call to be peacemakers. But in this image, we also see suggestions of other important symbols of our faith:
The Dove
From the days of the Early Church, one of our oldest Christian symbols for the Holy Spirit’s presence among us
The Phoenix
From Greek and Egyptian mythology, symbolizing new life rising from the ashes
The Wild Goose
From the Celtic Christian tradition’s symbol for the Holy Spirit, calling for a return to the rhythms of nature
What do you see when you look at our logo?