"Ubuntu" is a Zulu word meaning "humanity toward others," or “I am because we are."
We formed RocUbuntu
in response to the racial upheavals in spring and summer of 2020. If you are interested in joining us, please contact office@greecebaptistchurch.org or (585) 225-6160.
We come from six churches
John Knox Presbyterian
Greece Baptist
Gates Presbyterian
Our Mission
To promote racial and social justice in our communities.
Our Vision
We envision an inclusive community where all people live together equitably.
Our Goals
To educate, and implement a call to action within our community to challenge and overcome systemic racial injustices.
Our Values
Reducing poverty
Housing equity
Educating about inequities
Ending violence
Our Actions
Monthly church newsletter articles to educate each other about racial justice issues.
Racial Justice Rallies outside our churches on selected Fridays at various times.
Book studies:
Fall 2020: White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo
Winter 2021: Color of Law by Richard Rothstein
Spring 2021: America's Original Sin by James Wallis
Fall 2022 Slavery by another name by Douglas Blackmon
Spring 2023: Outrageous Justice by Craig DeRoche, Heather Rice-Minus & Jesse Wiese
Fall 2023: Houses of Healing by Robin Casarjian -
Provide financial support for a youth essay contest on gun violence.
Provide backpacks filled with essential items for migrants leaving detention.
Advocating for racial justice legislation, including the Clean Slate Campaign for automatic record expungement; and Dignity not Detention, to reduce ICE detentions.
Placing books by black and minority authors in the Little Libraries outside Greece area schools and churches.
Meeting with the Greece Police Department to improve equity in policing.
Sponsor an Afghan refugee family, including hosting a fund-raising Afghan dinner.
Enter a partnership with RISE Community School #106 in Rochester, providing school supplies and volunteers to work one-on-one with students.