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Our Partners & Friends
Organizations we work with
Our Denomination
Greece Churches that cooperate with us to provide services and programs

Partners who use our building

American Baptist Churches of the Rochester /Genesee Region
Rochester Chin Christian Church
Nepali Church
Twelve Step Groups
AARP Tax Preparation Program
Alzheimer's Association Caregivers Support Group
Give Me a Break Respite Program
Polling Site for Monroe County Elections
Local charitable groups in which we participate

We charter these scout groups, through our local council, Seneca Waterways Council
Scouts BSA Troop 48 (boy troop) (6-12th gr)
Scouts BSA Troop 148 (girl troop) (6-12th gr)
Cub Scout Pack 48 (K-5th gr girls and boys)
We also provide meeting space to several Girl Scout Troops with Girl Scouts of Western New York
Troop 60152
Troop 60265
Troop 60425
Troop 60512
Troop 61049
Get more information on Girl Scouts for K-12 grades
Our local public radio station
We broadcast a thirty-minute weekly show called “Good News” on Sunday mornings at 9:30 on Jazz Radio 90.1FM (WGMC). We also co-sponsor a monthly Community Concert series with them.

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